Editorial Policy

The electronic scientific journal “Law and Economics of the Union State” is a Russian-Belarusian online periodical scientific publication with open access, which covers a wide range of thematic areas in the field of law and economics. The materials of the journal are intended for scientific and pedagogical workers, practicing specialists, graduate students, applicants for academic degrees, students, as well as a wide range of people interested in issues of law and economics.

The electronic scientific journal “Law and Economics of the Union State” provides readers with unlimited access to publications, the quality of which has been verified by a professional community of experts in relevant fields. The journal publishes scientific articles on a wide range of legal and economic areas. In the field of law: methodological foundations of private law, civil law, family law, procedural law, as well as private law aspects in the field of land, financial, social, labor and other relations, competition support, the use of biotechnologies, information (digital) technologies. In the field of economics: regional economics, industrial economics, economics of innovation, marketing, accounting, auditing and economic statistics, as well as economic security.

The electronic scientific journal “Law and Economics of the Union State” guarantees:

1) constancy of storage of articles;

2) the immutability of the Internet address;

3) authenticity and absence of changes to the text of publications.

The electronic scientific journal “Law and Economics of the Union State” is guided in its activities by the editorial policy and principles of publication ethics. The Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications was developed taking into account the International Standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The journal publishes scientific and scientific-methodological articles, reviews, reports, reviews, materials of scientific conferences, seminars, round tables, scientific discussions, commented translations of sources.

All materials are published in the journal free of charge for authors.


During the calendar year, 4 scheduled issues are published regularly (1 issue per quarter). The volume of the issue cannot exceed 15 publications.


The author transfers to the publisher of the journal “Law and Economics of the Union State” the right to publish and distribute his article free of charge. The author, for his part, confirms that he is providing the editor with a manuscript of original scientific research. Bibliographic references are provided for scientific works that to one degree or another influenced the course of the research. In this case, borrowed fragments or statements are formatted according to the rules of citation, indicating the author and the original source. The author undertakes not to appropriate rights to the results of other people's research.